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September 17, 2023

September 17, 2023

10 Family Therapy Activities For Building Relationships

by Jessica Samora

by Jessica Samora

8 min read

fun things to do with family to strengthen bond
fun things to do with family to strengthen bond
fun things to do with family to strengthen bond

• Pressures from everyday interactions may cause unhelpful behaviors and conflicts within families.

• Through family therapy, members can learn to express themselves better and listen more effectively.

• Engaging in activities such as open communication sessions and art therapy allows for emotional expression and bonding.

The outside world is tough

Pressure from workplaces, social interaction, or other outside influences can sometimes weigh heavily on family relationships, leading to inexplicable conflicts between family members. Getting frustrated and stuck in a cycle of unhelpful thoughts and behaviors related to negative family dynamics is easy. Will family therapy activities restore your relationships?

So, how do you establish or bring back happy family dynamics? How do you help your children, spouse, and other family members rediscover the joy in being together? How do you help them cope with the pressures of living in today's world? How do you encourage someone to be present with the family and see beyond their phone screen?

Could family therapy activities be the answer?

Family therapy is a smart step toward building relationships and restoring familial bonds. It involves activities designed to help the members express their emotions, understand each other better, and break down barriers, allowing families to function better together as one unit.

You can attend family therapy in person or from the comfort of your home, online via Teleheath.

Family therapy activities enhance overall connections within the family and encourage a healthier environment for everyone, young or old.

family therapy activities like this portrait with baby crawling

Understanding the Importance of Family Therapy

Family therapy empowers each family member to understand their roles within the family. It also helps build empathy and understanding of one another's feelings in a safe, trusting, and non-judgmental environment. More specifically, they learn and form healthy identities and create an atmosphere of collaboration and support within the family unit, while teaching families how to better manage their relationships.

In short, they help families gain a greater sense of well-being and operate in ways that are more open, empathetic, and curious in everyday life.

In this piece, we will explore the most common and effective family therapy activities for building relationships that can help you foster an environment of trust, love, and understanding within your family.

1. Open Communication Sessions

One of the fundamental aspects of any healthy relationship is open and honest communication. Family therapy often starts with dedicated sessions where each family member can express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

These sessions are facilitated by an experienced family therapist who ensures everyone can speak and be heard.

During these sessions, family members learn to actively listen to each other without interrupting. The therapist may introduce communication exercises like "active listening," where one person speaks, and the others listen without offering immediate feedback.

This practice promotes a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and encourages empathy.

2. Role-Playing Exercises

Role-playing can be a powerful tool in family therapy. It allows family members to step into each other's shoes and better understand the challenges and perspectives of others within the family. For example, a child may role-play as a parent and vice versa. This exercise helps family members see situations from different angles and can lead to increased empathy and compassion.

Role-playing is also a great way to practice new behaviors and skills. For example, if one family member often has difficulty expressing their emotions, they can practice this in a safe environment with the therapist's guidance.

Role playing is one fof many family therapy exercises

3. Art and Creative Therapy

For families who find it challenging to express themselves verbally, art therapy can be incredibly beneficial. Individuals can convey their emotions and thoughts nonverbally through painting, drawing, or other creative mediums. This can be especially helpful for children struggling to articulate their feelings. Art therapy provides an outlet for self-expression and can uncover underlying emotions that are difficult to put into words.

4. Chinese Whispers

Chinese whispers, also known as the Telephone Game, is a fun and educational activity highlighting the importance of clear communication. Family members sit in a circle, and one person whispers a message to the next person, who then passes it along to the next. The message continues until it reaches the last person, who shares it with the entire group. Often, the final message is quite different from the original, illustrating how miscommunication can occur within families. This activity emphasizes the need for clear and direct communication to avoid misunderstandings.

5. The Miracle Question

The miracle question is a thought-provoking exercise that encourages family members to envision a future where their problems are miraculously solved. The therapist asks each family member to describe what their life would be like if, overnight, their issues disappeared. This exercise helps family members articulate their goals and desires, providing a positive vision to work towards. It also opens up discussions about the steps needed to move closer to that ideal future.

6. Emotions Ball

The activity works well to express emotions, especially in teenagers or children who might not be comfortable articulating their feelings through words. The activity only requires a pen and a ball (preferably a beach ball) because it is big enough to write various emotions, and passing it around is more manageable.

  • On each colored section of the ball, write down different emotions, such as joy, happiness, sadness, etc.

  • Gather the family members in a circle and have them pass the ball back and forth.

  • When a family member catches the ball, encourage them to share a personal experience or moment when they felt the specific emotion written on the section they caught.

This exercise is meant to facilitate open discussions about various emotions within your family while practicing active listening and expressing your feelings.

family bonding activities therapy

7. Mirroring Activity

The mirroring activity is designed to improve non-verbal communication and enhance empathy within the family. Family members pair up and take turns mirroring each other's movements and facial expressions. They mimic the other person's movements while avoiding physical contact. Those involved become more in tune with each other's gestures and expressions, helping them develop a stronger bond of understanding.

This exercise encourages family members to be attentive to non-verbal cues, which are often essential in understanding each other's emotions. Mirroring can help family members connect on a deeper level and develop a heightened awareness of each other's non-verbal signals.

8. Lily Pad Swamp Crossing

The lily pad swamp crossing is a problem-solving activity that promotes teamwork and cooperation within the family. It involves creating a "swamp" on the floor using cushions or pieces of paper as a "lily pad." Family members, now frogs, must work together to cross the swamp without falling into the "water." This activity teaches important lessons about trust, communication, and collaboration.

The therapist listens and observes how the family interacts as they complete the activity. It provides insight into how family members work together, and they can use this insight to identify communication patterns or problem-solving strategies that can be improved. They learn to support each other through challenges, fostering a sense of unity and shared achievement.

9. Family Genogram

Creating a family genogram is like constructing a family tree but with a deeper emotional dimension. It helps family members understand their history, connections, and the patterns that may be affecting their relationships. In a family therapy session, a therapist guides the family in creating a visual representation of their family structure, including relationships, roles, and significant life events. This tool can reveal patterns of behavior and relationship dynamics that contribute to current challenges. It also helps family members see how their family history influences their present relationships.

10. The Magic Key

The magic key activity is a metaphorical exercise that encourages family members to collaboratively explore solutions to their problems. In this exercise, family members imagine they have a "magic key" that can unlock solutions to their challenges. They take turns sharing about one thing they believe money can never buy that they want to unlock in the family. This exercise aims for family members to identify their common values and develop a shared vision. It can help them recognize their similarities instead of focusing on their differences, thereby strengthening relationships within the family.

two toddlers holding hands

Building Trust and Empathy

Trust-Building Exercises:

Trust is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. Family therapy often includes trust-building activities that allow family members to work on regaining trust or establishing it for the first time. These exercises create a safe space where family members can express vulnerabilities and fears without judgment.

Trust-building activities may include sharing personal stories, setting boundaries, and gradually rebuilding trust through consistent actions and open communication. The therapist guides these activities and ensures each family member feels heard and supported.

Empathy-Building Games:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Various games and exercises in family therapy are designed to enhance empathy among family members, promoting a more compassionate atmosphere. One common exercise involves family members taking turns sharing their feelings while the others practice active listening and reflecting on what they've heard. This practice helps family members connect on a deeper emotional level and fosters empathy, which is essential for resolving conflicts and building stronger bonds.

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Active Listening Techniques:

One of the keys to resolving conflicts is active listening. Family members are taught how to listen attentively and without interruption, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives. Active listening involves not only hearing words but also paying attention to non-verbal cues and emotions. This skill is invaluable in family therapy and everyday family life, as it promotes effective communication and reduces misunderstandings.

Negotiation and Compromise Activities:

Learning how to negotiate and compromise is crucial in any relationship. Family therapy often includes exercises that teach these skills, enabling family members to find mutually beneficial solutions. These activities may involve role-playing scenarios where family members practice negotiation techniques or work together to find compromises in real-life situations.

family group therapy activities were walking on the beach happily

Strengthening Bonds

Group Activities:

Participating in group activities as a family can be incredibly bonding. These could include outings, games, or even volunteering together, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences.

Group activities provide opportunities for family members to create positive memories, strengthen their connections, and enjoy each other's company outside of the therapy setting.

Family Meetings:

Regular family meetings can provide a structured and safe space for discussing important issues, setting goals, and celebrating achievements. Family members can use these meetings to check in with each other, share their thoughts and feelings, and collaboratively make decisions. These meetings help establish a sense of routine and structure within the family and ensure that everyone's voice is heard.

Final thoughts...

Family therapy activities play a pivotal role in strengthening and nurturing familial bonds. The dynamics within a family can be complex, and challenges can arise for various reasons.

These activities, conducted under the guidance of a family therapist, offer effective strategies for addressing these challenges and improving family relationships.

They help family members build trust, increase empathy, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their connections. Family therapy activities create a safe environment for positive changes to occur, enabling families to move forward with healthier dynamics and more meaningful bonds.

Commonly Asked Questions

1. When is the best time to schedule family therapy activities?

Timing plays a crucial role when considering the ideal time to conduct these activities because it can really make a big difference in how your family processes and implements. Consider these activities when:

  • Dealing with a significant life event, such as a chronic illness, mental health condition, or substance abuse.

  • During transitions, for example, remarriage, a new sibling, or a new school.

  • Post-trauma or crisis, such as divorce, loss, abuse, or other traumatic experiences.

  • Addressing persistent or recurring issues, like communication breakdowns, arguments, and power struggles.

  • Resolving underlying issues that keep the family from functioning optimally.

2. How long does family therapy typically last?

Family therapy can vary in duration, but it often spans several weeks to several months, depending on the specific issues being addressed. The therapist will work with the family to determine the appropriate length of therapy based on their goals and progress.

3. Is family therapy only for families facing severe problems?

No, family therapy can be beneficial for families dealing with a wide range of issues, from minor conflicts to more significant challenges. It can help improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships at any stage.

4. How can I find a qualified family therapist?

You can search for family therapists through professional associations, online directories, or by asking for referrals from people you know, your primary care physician or other professionals.

You can also find qualified family therapists at Healing Collective Therapy Group. We offer free consultations so you can get a feeling if the therapist you speak to is the right one for you.

It's important to choose a therapist who has experience in family therapy and with the specific issues your family is facing. Look for the therapists family therapy experience on our website.

5. Are family therapy activities suitable for children?

Many family therapy activities are designed to be inclusive of children and can help them understand and navigate family dynamics better. Therapists adapt activities to suit each family member's age and developmental level.

6. Can family therapy be done virtually?

With the advancement of technology, many family therapy sessions can now be conducted online, making it more accessible and convenient for families. Virtual therapy sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions when conducted by a qualified therapist.

Try therapy — it's available at a low-cost to everyone in California. Learn new skills to help you grow.

  • Accelerate breakthroughs by condensing weeks of therapy into a few days

  • Rebuild relationships by enhancing communication

  • Get targeted guidance from a counselor and therapist


  • Learn the best ways to rebuild trust without third-party intervention

  • Rekindle love and find the things that made you and your partner so special

  • Learn how to communicate and dedicate effort to your relationship


  • Intensive couples therapy offers concentrated treatment over a short time

  • It addresses core issues and teaches new relationship skills quickly.

  • This approach can help with serious problems like infidelity or chronic conflict


• Understand the reasons daughters (especially teens) will direct hate towards parents

• What can parents do to make things better?

• How to navigate the process while dealing with emotions


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1. Become an 'it girl'

2. Reclaim fashion for self-expression

3. Connect with your chosen family


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• Consider emotions, life events, relationships

• Weigh feelings, experiences, attachments

• Assess temperament, circumstances, social ties


• Teen therapy addresses emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges

• Early intervention and attentive monitoring are crucial

• Therapy offers coping strategies and resilience-building


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• The workshops provide tools for better stress management, lifestyle balance, and proactive health care.

• Integration into company culture is crucial, highlighting the importance of employee participation and feedback.

• The outcome includes a healthier workforce, reduced job turnover, and a more supportive workplace environment.


• In the wake of a tragedy, leaders must communicate effectively, balancing professionalism with empathy.

• Providing access to mental health resources and flexible working options can support employees in their recovery.

• Continuous open communication, respecting confidentiality, helps build trust and supports the emotional health of the workforce.


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• Recognize signs of anxiety to understand the condition better

• Offer understanding and validation, as well as resources for professional help

• Encourage coping mechanisms and lifestyle adjustments for long-term anxiety management


• Mothers and daughters can improve their relationship by engaging in shared activities and making time for each other.

• Developing a best friend mentality with trust and open communication can deepen the bond.

• Handling conflicts wisely and fostering forgiveness are crucial for a resilient connection.


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• Spend time apart to gain perspective and heal.

• Focus on self-care and personal growth after the relationship.

• Seek support from friends or a therapist to process your feelings.


• Family therapy models vary greatly, making it essential to choose one that aligns with your family's dynamics.

• Techniques such as narrative therapy and systemic therapy help families understand and resolve their issues.

• Engaging in the right type of family therapy can enhance communication and problem-solving within the family.


March 3, 2023

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by Tina Marie Del Rosario

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• In any close relationship, trust is crucial and must be actively developed and tested over time.

• Signs of a lack of trust include a partner's failure to admit errors, inconsistency in keeping promises, and a closed-off demeanor.

• Relationships thrive on safety and security, which are fostered by honest communication and mutual respect.


• Schedule an appointment individually or with your partner.

• Expect introductory questions about your relationship history.

• Be ready to discuss what you both hope to achieve through therapy.


October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022

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how to communicate better in a relationship

• Relationship communication quotes highlight the power of conversation in building genuine connections.

• Humor, trust, and common goals are essential elements in maintaining a successful relationship.

• Effective communication involves understanding nonverbal cues and avoiding one-sided conversations.


• Engaging in therapy is an essential step for personal growth, yet many struggle with opening up about sensitive topics.

• Over 80% of people report some level of dishonesty in sessions, affecting the positive outcomes of therapy.

• People benefit from writing their thoughts, choosing a relaxing time to meet, and gradually discussing deeper issues.


September 27, 2022

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Emoji representation holding envelope speak to therapist

• Essential elements of the first email to a therapist, such as self-introduction and stating the reason for reaching out.

• Advice on researching therapy types before contacting a therapist to ensure a suitable match.

• Procedures on how to ask about therapist's availability, fees, and possible referrals.


• Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) helps couples rebuild trust and secure attachment after infidelity.

• EFT techniques include identifying emotional response patterns, embracing discomfort, and stopping past projections.

• If EFT is unsuccessful, it may be healthier to consider letting go of the relationship.


July 26, 2022

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two people learning How To Validate Someone's Feelings

• Emotional invalidation, such as telling someone they are overreacting, can undermine self-confidence and relationship security.

• Validating emotions with empathy builds relationships and supports emotional well-being.

• Practical methods for validation include making eye contact, actively listening, and consensual physical touch.