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June 14, 2022

June 14, 2022

How to Be Less Self-Critical & More Self-Compassionate

by Maddie Hundley

by Maddie Hundley

5 min read

how to love myself
how to love myself
how to love myself

Self-criticism is often a response to feeling threatened, with the brain activating fight or flight, as if facing real danger.

Self-compassion can deactivate stress responses, fostering calm and a more self-love.

• Exercises in self-compassion include rephrasing internal dialogue and practicing kindness and understanding toward oneself.

How often are you practicing self-compassion? Be honest! As a licensed psychotherapist, I see a significant deficit in this practice. We tend to favor self-criticism or self-judgment over learning to be compassionate with ourselves and our experience. For most of us, a self-compassionate way-of-being is not something we were taught, nor did we have it modeled for us. Instead, many of us witnessed our family members being very self-critical and thus, we began to develop our own self-judgment, shame, and blame. We have become so accustomed to beating ourselves up that self-criticism feels comfortable and can even act as a way to soothe ourselves.

Outline of hands creating heart frame wellness coaching virtual therapy

Self-criticism and the brain

It may seem contradictory that self-criticism would be a self-soothing strategy, but there is an explanation for this! When we are in danger, our threat system and sympathetic nervous system are activated and our fight-flight-freeze-fawn responses take hold. When our self-concept (the way we see ourselves) is threatened, our defense system responds as if we are unsafe, using the same nervous system responses to create feelings of safety.

What is unique about self-criticism though, is that we are both the attacker and the attacked. The goal of the inner-critic is to keep oneself safe by identifying and knowing the parts of ourselves that may be judged or ill-received by others. We are meant to try to prevent the threat of unbelonging by shaming ourselves into trying to be better, and become very comfortable with this voice that points out all of the ways we aren’t good enough and/or need to improve. For example, say you shared a performance you weren’t happy about. Some critical thoughts may be, “I’m not good at this. That was the worst performance I’ve ever done. I suck.” Like picking at a scab, these thoughts attempt to soothe a threatened nervous system, and aim to be coming from a place of concern and care. But as we know, this strategy doesn’t make us feel good, nor does it motivate us to make positive change.

What we know is that the caregiving system helps us deactivate the sympathetic nervous system response by activating the parasympathetic system, the system that relaxes us and calms us down. When we are being self-compassionate and practicing self-love, we are engaging the parasympathetic response instead. Being self-compassionate not only reduces our stress levels, but it also helps us change our internal narrative to one that is more healthy, positive and motivating.

What does self-compassion look like?

What does “self-compassion” even mean? Being more compassionate with yourself entails having some clarity that we all suffer and we are all imperfect. Tim Desmond, author of the article, Five Ways to Put Self-Compassion into Therapy, defines self-compassion in this way: “It is intimately tied to the practice of mindfulness, a special way of paying attention to the present moment, with complete acceptance of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Self-compassion comes from the understanding, gleaned through moments of mindfulness, that every human being suffers, that we all want to be happy but often don’t know how to find happiness, and that this commonality connects us with everyone else. Understanding these truths, recognizing our own vulnerabilities, and practicing more kindness toward ourselves is at the heart of self-compassion.”

To stop self-critique and start practicing self-compassion, we must learn to show ourselves kindness and develop acceptance for our inevitable, human imperfections. (Note: perfectionism is certainly NOT self-compassion!) Rather than blame, shame, or criticize ourselves, we try to treat ourselves with affirmation, forgiveness, warmth, and love. Practicing self-compassion is like speaking to yourself the way you would speak to a kid or anyone else you care deeply about!

Dr. Kristin Neff (expert researcher on self-compassion) identifies the following three elements of self-compassion and their self-critical counterparts:

Self-kindness vs. Self-judgment

Self-compassion entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism. People cannot always be or get exactly what they want. When this reality is denied or fought against, suffering increases in the form of stress, frustration and self-criticism.

Common Humanity vs. Isolation

Frustration at not having things exactly as we want is often accompanied by an irrational but pervasive sense of isolation – as if ‘I’ were the only person suffering or making mistakes.Therefore, self-compassion involves recognizing that suffering and personal inadequacy is part of the shared human experience – something that we all go through rather than being something that happens to ‘me’ alone.

Mindfulness vs. Over-identification

Mindfulness is a non-judgmental, receptive mind state in which one observes thoughts and feelings as they are, without trying to suppress or deny them. We cannot ignore our pain and feel compassion for it at the same time. At the same time, mindfulness requires that we not be “over-identified” with thoughts and feelings, so that we are caught up and swept away by negative reactivity.”

Self-compassion exercise

I invite you to consider what your inner voice sounds like. Maybe even write down some of the key points and phrases you tend to say to yourself. Do you swing more easily into self-critique? Do you tend to shame yourself when you’re anxious or regularly think that you’ve “failed?” Then review the three elements of self-compassion and notice where you have room to embrace them and where you may really struggle to do so. How can you be more kind to yourself? Where can you remind yourself of your shared humanity and vulnerability? Where can you invite more mindfulness and less judgment? Remember: think about how you would talk about these things with someone you love. Then write the more compassionate phrases and ideas down too!

Practicing self-compassion can change your life in the most positive ways. In neuroscience research, self-compassion has strengthened areas of the brain that help you feel happier, access more resilience, and be more attuned and empathic to others (Desmond). It can also lead you to a path of positive self-discovery, healing, and increased self-confidence. Now’s the time to stop trying to be so perfect and instead, trying to love your humanness more by being just good enough.

Tina Marie Del Rosario is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Therapist, Social Justice Advocate, and lover of food and travel. Tina works with individuals, partnerships, and groups to assist in self-discovery and desired outcomes. She enjoys working with people with creative minds and those who identify as out-of-the-box thinkers. Tina finds interest in, but not limited to, interpersonal relationships, identity and authenticity, self-esteem, anxiety and depression, and developmental and complex trauma.

Therapy services at Healing Collective

We are here for your diverse counseling needs. Our team of therapists provides lgbtqia+ affirmative therapy, couples therapy & premarital counseling, support for artists /creative types, group therapy, and more. We have specialists in trauma, women's issues, depression & anxiety, substance use, mindfulness & embodiment. For therapists and practice owners, we also provide consultation and supervision services! We look forward to welcoming you for therapy online.

Get help now

If you are interested in therapy with Healing Collective and would like to learn more about the services we have to help you, follow these quick & easy steps:

  1. Schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation with our Care Coordinator.

  2. Get matched with the therapist who’s right for you.

  3. Start feeling more supported and fulfilled in your life and relationships!

  • Accelerate breakthroughs by condensing weeks of therapy into a few days

  • Rebuild relationships by enhancing communication

  • Get targeted guidance from a counselor and therapist


  • Learn the best ways to rebuild trust without third-party intervention

  • Rekindle love and find the things that made you and your partner so special

  • Learn how to communicate and dedicate effort to your relationship


  • Intensive couples therapy offers concentrated treatment over a short time

  • It addresses core issues and teaches new relationship skills quickly.

  • This approach can help with serious problems like infidelity or chronic conflict


• Understand the reasons daughters (especially teens) will direct hate towards parents

• What can parents do to make things better?

• How to navigate the process while dealing with emotions


Your guide to 'brat' summer:

1. Become an 'it girl'

2. Reclaim fashion for self-expression

3. Connect with your chosen family


July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

by Tina Marie Del Rosario

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• Consider emotions, life events, relationships

• Weigh feelings, experiences, attachments

• Assess temperament, circumstances, social ties


• Teen therapy addresses emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges

• Early intervention and attentive monitoring are crucial

• Therapy offers coping strategies and resilience-building


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• The workshops provide tools for better stress management, lifestyle balance, and proactive health care.

• Integration into company culture is crucial, highlighting the importance of employee participation and feedback.

• The outcome includes a healthier workforce, reduced job turnover, and a more supportive workplace environment.


• In the wake of a tragedy, leaders must communicate effectively, balancing professionalism with empathy.

• Providing access to mental health resources and flexible working options can support employees in their recovery.

• Continuous open communication, respecting confidentiality, helps build trust and supports the emotional health of the workforce.


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• Recognize signs of anxiety to understand the condition better

• Offer understanding and validation, as well as resources for professional help

• Encourage coping mechanisms and lifestyle adjustments for long-term anxiety management


• Mothers and daughters can improve their relationship by engaging in shared activities and making time for each other.

• Developing a best friend mentality with trust and open communication can deepen the bond.

• Handling conflicts wisely and fostering forgiveness are crucial for a resilient connection.


• Pressures from everyday interactions may cause unhelpful behaviors and conflicts within families.

• Through family therapy, members can learn to express themselves better and listen more effectively.

• Engaging in activities such as open communication sessions and art therapy allows for emotional expression and bonding.


September 14, 2023

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• Spend time apart to gain perspective and heal.

• Focus on self-care and personal growth after the relationship.

• Seek support from friends or a therapist to process your feelings.


• Family therapy models vary greatly, making it essential to choose one that aligns with your family's dynamics.

• Techniques such as narrative therapy and systemic therapy help families understand and resolve their issues.

• Engaging in the right type of family therapy can enhance communication and problem-solving within the family.


March 3, 2023

March 3, 2023

by Tina Marie Del Rosario

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• In any close relationship, trust is crucial and must be actively developed and tested over time.

• Signs of a lack of trust include a partner's failure to admit errors, inconsistency in keeping promises, and a closed-off demeanor.

• Relationships thrive on safety and security, which are fostered by honest communication and mutual respect.


• Schedule an appointment individually or with your partner.

• Expect introductory questions about your relationship history.

• Be ready to discuss what you both hope to achieve through therapy.


October 27, 2022

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• Relationship communication quotes highlight the power of conversation in building genuine connections.

• Humor, trust, and common goals are essential elements in maintaining a successful relationship.

• Effective communication involves understanding nonverbal cues and avoiding one-sided conversations.


• Engaging in therapy is an essential step for personal growth, yet many struggle with opening up about sensitive topics.

• Over 80% of people report some level of dishonesty in sessions, affecting the positive outcomes of therapy.

• People benefit from writing their thoughts, choosing a relaxing time to meet, and gradually discussing deeper issues.


September 27, 2022

September 27, 2022

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• Essential elements of the first email to a therapist, such as self-introduction and stating the reason for reaching out.

• Advice on researching therapy types before contacting a therapist to ensure a suitable match.

• Procedures on how to ask about therapist's availability, fees, and possible referrals.


• Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) helps couples rebuild trust and secure attachment after infidelity.

• EFT techniques include identifying emotional response patterns, embracing discomfort, and stopping past projections.

• If EFT is unsuccessful, it may be healthier to consider letting go of the relationship.